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4 Natural Remedies for Sore Legs:

Writer's picture: Casey LitzenbergerCasey Litzenberger

Sore legs can be the worst! Whether it is hard to stand comfortably, sit comfortably, or even sleep comfortably sore legs can happen to anyone from time to time. Here are some remedies for sore legs that can hopefully give you some relief.


Sore legs can have numerous different causes, and pinpointing what caused your leg pain can help you choose the best remedy. Though with some cases, there are some causes that warrant a trip to the doctor.

Here are some of the possible causes of leg pain, according to The Mayo Clinic:

  • Wear & tear

  • Injuries to joints, bones, muscles, ligaments, tendons, or other soft tissue

  • Overuse

  • Low back problems

  • Varicose veins

  • Blood clots*

  • Any many others, for a full list, check out The Mayo Clinic's Website

* If you suspect that your leg pain is caused by a blood clot, do not try to treat it with a natural remedy, this may be a 911 situation. If your leg, ankles or feet are swelling up, if you feel a warm sensation in your legs, or your skin is discoloured, call your doctor right away for advice


If your leg pain is caused by overuse or low back pain, these remedies for painful legs can help, though some may be immediate, others may be more of a long term remedy.


Some gentle stretches or yoga can help relieve pain, if the pain is caused by muscle soreness, though it will not be much help if you have an injury. If the stretching you are doing causes you pain, back off or stop. If you need help finding stretching that would help you, please feel free to ask me!


RICE stands for Rest, Ice, Compress, & Elevate. If your leg pain is from an injury, RICE would be the best course of action for you.

REST: Take a break from the activity that could be creating your leg pain

ICE: Use an ice pack or bag of frozen veggies wrapped in a tea towel, and apply for 10-20 minutes on where your injury is. Generally speaking, when you feel numbness, it is time to take the ice off. I also recommend giving at least an hour between icing applications.

COMPRESS: Wrap the injured area tightly, though not so tightly that you lose feeling. This will help bring the swelling down and keep it so.

ELEVATE: This will also help reduce swelling. This can be achieved by using a pillow or two. The idea is to elevate the injury higher than your heart.

Massage therapy:

Massage therapy can help with muscle soreness. Sometimes soreness can be caused by tension in the surrounding areas. For instance, if your calves are sore, your upper legs could probably benefit from massage therapy too. As a massage therapist, I will ask you about previous injuries and problem areas. It is important to be clear and concise about what is going on with your legs so I can tailor your treatment to you.

The “Right” Shoes:

High heels, flip flops, and other shoes that lack support are common offenders when it comes to leg pain. Shoes with great arch support and with little to no heel are the best bet when it comes to choosing a good shoe. If your favourite shoes don't have good arch support, you can always try out inserts. Believe it or not, you may also be wearing the wrong size shoes too.

Remember that every body is different, what works for one person may not work for another. If your leg pain lasts more than a week or two, or suddenly becomes more severe, it's time to call your doctor.

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